Admin Angells charge on an hourly rate basis*.
Rates may differ due to travel expenses and parking costs, but this is dependant on the distance for travelling.
You may book us for 1 hour (minimum) for the odd time as and when you need us, or for a longer period on a more regular basis, weekly, fortnightly, monthly etc.
* A minimum of 1 hour will be charged.
Please enquire for details.
Contact us by email: Natalie@adminangells.co.uk
Rates may differ due to travel expenses and parking costs, but this is dependant on the distance for travelling.
You may book us for 1 hour (minimum) for the odd time as and when you need us, or for a longer period on a more regular basis, weekly, fortnightly, monthly etc.
* A minimum of 1 hour will be charged.
Please enquire for details.
Contact us by email: Natalie@adminangells.co.uk